Nuvonis Avian Cell Banks

Nuvonis has developed continuous avian cell lines from quails, as these lack most of the endogenous retroviral sequences detectable in chicken families. For immortalization and development of the cell line, no viral sequences and no foreign genes were introduced. Therefore, the cell line is not regarded as being genetically modified (GMO).

An anchorage-dependent cell line CCX.2C4 (R&D) and a fully tested suspension cell line CCX.E10 are available (R&D and GMP cell banks).

Avian cell banks are suitable for the production of a variety of viruses and vectors, such as Influenza, Newcastle Disease Virus, Herpes Simplex, Pseudorabies Virus, Reovirus, Influenza strains, Parainfluenza Virus and other viruses.

These avian cell banks can replace Chicken Embryo Fibroblasts (CEF) as a substrate, or the cultivation of viruses in embryonated hen’s eggs. In addition, these cell banks can be used for various other products, e.g., as a source of animal proteins or even for food applications.

By using Nuvonis GMP avian cell banks, you can rely on an innovative starting material that can lead to superior production efficiency. As these cell banks are ready to use, you can immediately start with GMP production of your product on a fully tested cell substrate.
Versatile Substrate

Versatile Substrate

Avian cell banks can be used to produce a variety of viruses, such as Newcastle Disease Virus, Vaccinia, Orthomyxoviridae, HSV Type I, Pseudorabies, Reovirus, Parainfluenza and MVA etc.

Replace Eggs or CEFs

Production methods relying on Chicken Embryo Fibroblasts or eggs are cumbersome in terms of logistics, reproducibility, and virus yields. The use of a continuous cell line such as Nuvonis avian cells that grow in a serum-free medium makes production faster, more efficient, and more reproducible.

Both Adherent and Suspension Cells are available

Nuvonis avian cells can be grown using roller bottles and cell factories, or in microcarrier-based bioreactor production systems (anchorage-dependent). The suspension avian cells can be grown in stirrer spinner flasks or shake flasks, as well as stirred tank bioreactors.

Avian Cell Bank (CCX) Characteristics

Nuvonis avian cells grow in a serum-free/animal component-free medium that is commercially available.

Both, adherent cells and cells growing in suspension are available.

Avian cell banks are well characterized and have been tested, e.g., for sterility, mycoplasma, extraneous agents, tumorigenicity etc.

Quail cell bank ampoules can be provided to clients at a low cost (R&D fee) after a signature of a standard Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA) and Material Transfer Agreement (MTA).

Nuvonis provides protocols for cell thawing and expansion and technical support.

GMP ampoules of MCB and WCB are available for the suspension cell line CCX.E10.

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