Guidelines and Papers

Find guidelines, research papers and reviews on vaccine development and production with Nuvonis cell banks.

Streamlining the purification of a clinical-grade oncolytic virus for therapeutic applications
Our colleagues at iBET and Max Planck Institute have developed a scalable, efficient, and GMP-compliant process for producing high-purity rVSV-NDV oncolytic virus using Nuvonis CCX.E10 cells, paving the way for large-scale manufacturing and clinical application in treating solid cancers.

Characterization of a quail suspension cell line for production of a fusogenic oncolytic virus
This paper describes how the Nuvonis CCX.E10 cells can be used for the industrial production of oncolytic viruses, particularly for fusogenic vesicular stomatitis virus-based constructs.

Production and Purification of Newcastle Disease Virus 2023
This Bioprocess paper describes production of Newcastle Disease Virus using Nuvonis novel avian cells (CCX.E10) and one-step purification using monoliths.

SARS-CoV-2 Production Using Nuvonis’ Vero Cells 2021
This paper describes the use of Nuvonis Vero cells for SARS-CoV-2 production in a scalable high cell density bioreactor.

ICH Guidance for Cell Banks
This guideline defines characterisation and testing of cell banks for manufacturing.

Single Step Purification 2018
This Bioprocess paper describes a rapid and efficient purification method for virus purification, resulting in high recovery and purity.

WHO Recommendations No. 878
This WHO guideline provides recommendations for the evaluation of animal cell cultures as substrates for the manufacture of biological medicinal products and for the characterisation of cell banks.

Virus Production under Suspension Conditions 2014
This chapter provides an overview of the state of medium and large-scale production of viruses and viral vectors for vaccine and gene therapy purposes, using adherent and suspension processes.

Vero Cell Platform in Vaccine Production 2009
This expert review describes the use of Vero cells for the commercial production of a variety of viruses and vaccines.

Immunogenicity and protective efficacy in monkeys of purified inactivated Vero-cell SARS vaccine.
Qin E, Shi H, Tang L, et al. Vaccine. 2006, 24(7):1028-34.

The large-scale cultivation of Vero cells in micro-carrier culture for virus vaccine production. Preliminary results for killed poliovirus vaccine.
Montagnon BJ, Fanget B, Nicolas A
J.Biol. Stand. 47, 55–64 (1981).

An inactivated West Nile Virus vaccine derived from a chemically synthesized cDNA system.
Orlinger K, Holzer GW, Schwaiger J, et al 2010;28:3318–3324.

An inactivated Ross River virus vaccine is well-tolerated and immunogenic in an adult population: a randomized phase 3 trial.
Wressnigg N, van der Velden MVW, Portsmouth D, et al.

Clin Vacc Immunol. 2015; 22:267–273.

An inactivated cellculture vaccine against yellow fever.
Monath TP, Fowler E, Johnson CT, Balser J, Morin MJ, Sisti M, et al.
N Engl J Med 2011;364(14):1326–33.

Japanese encephalitis vaccines: current vaccines and future prospects.
Monath TP.
Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2002; 267:105-38

A novel process for production of hepatitis A virus in Vero cells grown on microcarriers in a bioreactor.

Sun MB, Jiang YJ, Li WD, Li PZ et al.

World J Gastroenterol. 2004;10(17):2571-3.

Chimeric alphavirus vaccine candidates for chikungunya.

Wang EVolkova EAdams AP et al.

Vaccine. 2008 5030-9.

ACAM2000 clonal Vero cell culture vaccinia virus (New York City Board of Health strain) – a second-generation smallpox vaccine for biological defense.

Monath TP, Caldwell JR, Mundt W, et al.

Int J Infect Dis. 2004 Oct;8 Suppl 2: S31-44.

Kistner O, Howard MK, Spruth M et al.

Cell culture (Vero) derived whole virus (H5N1) vaccine based on wild-type virus strain induces cross-protective immune responses.
Volume 25, Issue 32, 10 August 2007, Pages 6028-6036

Production of Newcastle disease virus by Vero cells grown on Cytodex 1 microcarriers in a 2-litre stirred tank bioreactor.

Arifin MA, Mel M, Abdul Karim MI, Ideris A.

J Biomed Biotechnol. 2010; 2010:586363.

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